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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...304L handling condensate304L handling condensate
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10/25/2002 9:00 AM
Cita: Laboratory analysis of a cracked area would confirm SCC. However, it may be difficult to distinguish between caustic SCC and chloride SCC based on the crack morphology. Caustic SCC tends to be intergranular, while chloride SCC is typically transgranular and more branched. Wiith MIC activity, I would expect to see deposits. If you have deposits, and can sample them, you might be able to observe the microbes at high magnification. Alternatively, collect a sample of condensate and see if you can grow microbes in a culture. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
New Post
10/29/2002 9:00 AM
Just interested to know what action have you taken ? So, you replace the material to 316L? Rahimi Lumut Power Plant, Perak, Malaysia
New Post
10/29/2002 9:00 AM
Mr Hendix, thank you for your sharing knowledge. I planned to replace it to 316L, but I found from a chart taken from a book, it desbribes that connecting 304L to 316L will cause one of the material corroded. I don't want to make the spool become cathode to other 304L material and cause other area of 304 pipe can be corroded. Therefore, I don't make that point as a suggestion. Regards, Cita
New Post
10/30/2002 9:00 AM
Sir: Connecting 304SS to 316SS will not promote galvanic corrosion. The potentials of the two alloys are too close. David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
New Post
10/31/2002 9:00 AM
Mr. Hendrix, Thank You. Regards, Ms. Cita
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...304L handling condensate304L handling condensate



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