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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Corrosion in Caustic System due to Na2SCorrosion in Caustic System due to Na2S
New Post
11/7/2002 9:00 AM
Inquiry with respect to Na2S levels in Caustic. I have a facility that measures Na2S in Caustic. Above a certain concentration we believe that corrosion rates increase dramatically. Does anyone have any recommended levels below which Na2S should be maintained? What are the experiences in terms of rates above this level. Also, are there any analytical methods (titrations) that can be performed to get an idea of Na2S levels. How would Na2S enter into the system? Any help would be appreciated Thanks
New Post
11/7/2002 9:00 AM
Dear Sir: Your discussion forum usefulness will be enhanced if you register. One of the advantanges of being a registered user is the ability to specify that responses to your posts are automatically e-mailed to you as a notification. We do not use the registration information for any personal use. Regarding your specific question regarding Na2S, you do not detail the alloys, temperatures, or Na2S concentrations applicable to your specific use. Perhaps, if you were to be more specific, we. or our readers, could better respond. David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Corrosion in Caustic System due to Na2SCorrosion in Caustic System due to Na2S



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