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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...meaning of the abbreviations in WCA , WCB and WCCmeaning of the abbreviations in WCA , WCB and WCC
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6/7/2007 9:00 AM
Can anybody pl tell me the meaning of the abbreviations in WCA , WCB and WCC for ASME SA216 matspec. also what are the fullforms for HH, HK , HL etc in steels , which website contains these informations regarding steels Inspection Engineer BE (Metallurgy) ASNT Level II RT,LPT,MPT,UT HPL, India
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6/7/2007 9:00 AM
Hi bro, to my understanding let me share... (1) W stands for Fusion Weldable Quality / C stands for Cast Steels / A,B & C are respective grades based on composition and properties. (1) H stands for High temperature heat Resistant Alloy / H,K,L,N signifies varied Cr/Ni ratio in decreasing order. HH is 309 (25Cr-12Ni) , HK is 310 (25Cr-20Ni) , HT is 330 (15Cr-35Ni) like this. regards DM
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...meaning of the abbreviations in WCA , WCB and WCCmeaning of the abbreviations in WCA , WCB and WCC



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