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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Materials for NaOH Storage TankMaterials for NaOH Storage Tank
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12/6/2007 9:00 AM
what can be the best material specification of bolts and nuts that can withstand the corrosiveness of caustic soda. the bolts and nuts will be submerged into the chemical stored inside the tank, the outside temperature of the tank does not exceed 50%C2ºC and only within the range of 24-46%C2ºC temperature, chemical pH is expected to be at its peak. at same consideration above (temp ranges from 24-46%C2ºC,pH level is peak), is it safe to use ASTM A36 Materials for the construction of the storage tank (material includes corrosion allowance)?How about, A36 as construction materials without internal painting(CA is still included).Thanks
New Post
2/19/2008 9:00 AM
There are several material options for the application. Generally, polyester resin, epoxy or vinyl ester resin will be a good construction material, with sufficient impact resistance. Also for lining of current steel structures, the above described resins may be more appropriate than for example HDPE and PTFE due to the better - but far from perfect - adhesion to steel. You may also take a look at: for more information with this regard. Regards, polcom
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4/6/2008 9:00 AM
Sorry, forgot to tell that at: you will find some figures and case studies regarding alkaline solution diffusion into (reinforced) plastics.
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