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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Postweld Heat treatment for socket weld jointsPostweld Heat treatment for socket weld joints
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4/7/2010 9:00 AM
Dear All, Can any body tell me about the requirement of PWHT for a hydrogen line service weld joint with socket weld configeration. What code governs that. Thanks and Regards, Mumtaz
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4/13/2010 9:00 AM
Mumtaz Refer any piping code to follow PWHT requirements for different materials, for the required /applicable pipe dia. and wall thickness sections and also refer applicable time and temp for PWHT. For hydrogen service - socket weld fitting after welding and PWHT of the same, hardness after PWHT should be lower than 200 BHN. Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan April 14, 2010 Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India E-mail: >Dear All, > >Can any body tell me about the requirement of PWHT for a >hydrogen line service weld joint with socket weld >configeration. What code governs that. > >Thanks and Regards, > >Mumtaz
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4/15/2010 9:00 AM
PWHT is mandatory for all weld joints in hydrogen service whether they are butt welds or socket welds. You may see API 582 for reference and guidelines on the same. It states that code exemption for PWHT of P.No. 4 & 5 materials is not permitted for applications in sour or hydrogen service or when the nominal chromium content of the material exceeds 1.25 %. PWHT specifications (heating rate. holding temperature range, holding time, cooling rate) and allowable maximum hardness vary as per material. Hope this would help. Regards, Ashfaq Anwer >Dear All, > >Can any body tell me about the requirement of PWHT for a >hydrogen line service weld joint with socket weld >configeration. What code governs that. > >Thanks and Regards, > >Mumtaz
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4/21/2010 9:00 AM
PWHT generally requested when hardness exceeds 200BHN. however Some clent specs states PWHT for socket welds is mandatory irrespective of hradness values, becuase accurate hardness mesaurement is not possible on socketwelds due to its configuration. Raghuram Bathula
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4/21/2010 9:00 AM
Mumtaz Considering hydrogen service, in this case, adopt PWHT immaterial of hardness at socket weld is lower than 200 BHN. Hardness accuracy may vary by + or - 10% in socket weld measurement due to configuration as pointed out by Raghuram. Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India April 21, 2010 E-mail: > >PWHT generally requested when hardness exceeds 200BHN. >however Some clent specs states PWHT for socket welds is >mandatory irrespective of hradness values, becuase accurate >hardness mesaurement is not possible on socketwelds due to >its configuration. > >Raghuram Bathula
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