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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Hexavalent Chromium OSHA standardsHexavalent Chromium OSHA standards
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6/4/2010 9:00 AM
I guess there is a new standard that says employers must notify their employees that they may be exposed to hexavalent chromium regardless of the min/ max amount. OSHA source is *Chromium (VI) 1910.1026 App A. I do a lot of SMAW and GTAW of 304 and 316 Stainless Steels in a Maintenance dept. I can't imagine seeing much with regular SS. Does anyone have any experience with this subject and how much could a person see say, welding on 3" schedule 40 SS pipe out of position for 8 hrs at a time? I am fortunate, my company is willing to by the ventilator regardless of the standards, but for years we never knew this was an issue and never worried about it. Thanks. By the way, this is my first time on this forum. Pleased to meet you.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Hexavalent Chromium OSHA standardsHexavalent Chromium OSHA standards



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