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9/25/2005 9:00 AM
Gents. Thanks for your inputs. Really this subject needs more efforts to be done. I did corrosion loops for our refinery to identify all types of corrosion for each unit. This corrosion best practice manual is to collect ideas to improve and control the corrosion for example: • Corrosion monitoring. • Heat exchanger tubes coating. • Corrosion under insulation inspection. • Corrosion loops. Etc. In your area what you did what your idea to control or improve the corrosion technique. Be proactive corrosion will be happened at any time so, you have to prepare your self. More idea will be highlighted under this subject Thanks
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10/28/2005 9:00 AM
>Gents, >We are on going to initiate refinery corrosion best practice >manual. In regard to that any one had a good item to share >with me. Are you having corrosion control practice at your >refinery to control the corrosion? Your help will more >valuable. > >After I Finished I will post the manual in weekly basis > >Mark >Corrosion Engineer >USA Dear Mark, I am looking for any article written on "effects of of chloride ion on the seperator vessels and transfering gas lines from wells to a gas refinery".Please kindly inform me of any article, Reference, Guide book etc. .I think Refinery practice manual is very good idea.I look forward to hearing from you.Thank you. Mesbah
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10/24/2007 9:00 AM
DEAR MARK, HAVE U BEEN PREPARED THE REFINERY CORR. BEST PRACTISE DOC. MAY PL. SEND A DRAFT COPY TO ME at or regards. just for acedemic interest. >>Gents, >>We are on going to initiate refinery corrosion best practice >>manual. In regard to that any one had a good item to share >>with me. Are you having corrosion control practice at your >>refinery to control the corrosion? Your help will more >>valuable. >> >>After I Finished I will post the manual in weekly basis >> >>Mark >>Corrosion Engineer >>USA >Dear Mark, >I am looking for any article written on "effects of of >chloride ion on the seperator vessels and transfering gas >lines from wells to a gas refinery".Please kindly inform me >of any article, >Reference, Guide book etc. .I think Refinery practice >manual is very good idea.I look forward to hearing from >you.Thank you. >Mesbah
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5/6/2008 9:00 AM
SmithJ,SASTech Good day Mark I see that your message was posted in 2005. I would be very interested to know how your plan to develop %E2%80%9Crefinery corrosion, best practice manual %E2%80%9C progressed? I work for a petrochemical company in South Africa and am starting a corrosion competency. So, any information from your side would be highly appreciated. Best regards John
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7/14/2008 9:00 AM
Nick I also would be very interested to know how this has progressed Thank you
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