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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Need help Why SS 316L change to red color??Need help Why SS 316L change to red color??
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11/14/2006 9:00 AM
Hi all I have a problem about Tank & pipe material made from SS316L have a red color on the surface. The red color color look like rust but it not rust. When i clean it by tissue have some residue red color but it still remain on SS surface can't move all. For the process cleaning and sanitize. We use Hot DI water(>82C) for cleaning and some time we use Hot DI water+detergent(Pan solf clean). Sanitization we use only Hot DI water(>82C) 30 min. SS316L don't have reaction with other chamical righ? So I can't find the potential root cause that impact to 316L change to red color.I have a piture but i can't paste on this.
New Post
11/17/2006 9:00 AM
Palin: What analysis have you done to prove that the red material is not iron rust? David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
New Post
11/28/2006 9:00 AM
What you are getting is a surface degredation called rouging. There are MANY opinions on exactly what the rouge contains, but it is fairly well accepted that it is a combination of things including iron oxides. This is a very common phenomenon when using hot DI water on stainless steel, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. The source of the problem is several things, including usually a source of iron rust somewhere in the system, but also just degredation of the surface by the hot DI water (nature abhors a vacuum). The solution to the problem depends on how bad the rouging is. It can be fairly simple using safe chemisty in a CIP system, or it can be quite difficult using more hazardous chemicals if the rouging has gone too far. There are a number of contractors around the country who deal with this problem on a regular basis. If you need help finding someone, please contact us. Lee Kremer Stellar Solutions, Inc.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Need help Why SS 316L change to red color??Need help Why SS 316L change to red color??



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