Capital Project Services
Our plant experience allows us to provide Capital Project Services and support efficiently, minimizing support costs. Associates in other disciplines permit us the flexibility to respond immediately to the changing needs of fast-moving and complex projects.
“…coverage flexibility and the immediate response needed to support fast-moving and complex projects.”

The Hendrix Group offers the flexibility to efficiently provide consulting services either as the owner-engineer on EPC projects or supplement in-house materials engineering support on EPC projects, working with project-manager and technical-groups.
We create a team that fits your needs
The Hendrix Group Inc. has been providing corrosion consulting, corrosion prevention, and corrosion-control services for more than 35 years. Our objectives are:
- to provide a high quality of service at a reasonable price
- to develop practical solutions to clients' corrosion problems
- to work with our clients as a team.
We can support you efficiently without taking up the valuable time of your staff
Because of our Associates' wide range of experience, we can address specific issues at hand. Our broad project experience also allows us to provide technical support with minimum client oversight. We can resolve many issues with minimal on-site time through document transfer and electronic communications..
Engineering support services we can provide your capital projects:
- High-quality material selection diagrams and a comprehensive material selection report
- Injection point, mixing point and dissimilar weld reviews
- Corrosion monitoring program deveopment
- Vendor quality audits
- Equipment fabrication problem resolution
- Failure analysis
- Welding specification review
- Painting and coating system specification development
- Project quality assurance program development and support