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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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9/1/2005 9:00 AM
Sulfur recovery rate in our SRU is 99.5%. It is achieved by Claus Converter + Tail Gas Treating Unit. Our problem is corrosion in Tail Gas Treating Unit. We replace CS with SS304L for equipment and piping in this unit. We do not have demister for acid gas knock-out drum.
New Post
2/8/2006 9:00 AM
I have a question when I select pipe material for Tail Gas line. The original design had temperature of 260 degC, but new design condition changes to 375 deg C. In this case, C.S is not satisfied. Q: what material could be used for this situation? thanks Piper
New Post
7/23/2006 9:00 AM
Dear Weber, How is the condition of your knck-out drum without demisters? We have a carbon steel drum with internal heaters. Above the demister , corrosion rate is very high around 1.5 mm/y. Temperature is around 130 degC which is above dewpoint. Outlet piping has steam tracing and the pipings are in good condition. We plan to either internally coat the area or slad with SS316L. The demister which is SS316L is not observed to experience corrosion (very very minimal perhaps). regards, Alani
New Post
8/14/2006 9:00 AM
Corrosion of Tail gas treating units is not very common. Which part of the unit is corroding? Is the bottom of the regnerator corroding? best regards Egbert van Hoorn
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