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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Tube support metallurgyTube support metallurgy
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12/5/2005 9:00 AM
Dear members, In general 50Cr-48.5 Ni-1.5 Nb (A560)is used as cast tube support in heater application for refinery application. What is the role of Nb in such application other than forming stable carbide & improving creep strength in high temperature application? Can we expect required room temperature impact properties with Nb addition compared to only 50 Cr- 50 Ni material ?Whether the above metallurgy will take care of shock/cylcic loading? with regards, krish
New Post
12/6/2005 9:00 AM
Few More Effect of Nb on High Temp. Alloys. (1) Other than carbide former with enhanced creep strength Nb also acts as a Solid Solution Strengthener. (2) It has to be judiciously added and if added beyond it has detrimental effect on the High Temp. Oxidation resistance of the material. (3) One of the important aspect of refractory element Nb is that they capture and freeze strongly the high temperature Yield and Tensile Strength without reducing Ductility factors rather improving the Ductility even after Stress Relaxation Solution Annealing. with regards DM
New Post
12/6/2005 9:00 AM
Thanks to mitra.We got less value of % elongation of Nb added support material compared to 50Cr-50Ni material?What is the reason for getting the low elongation?What about the toughness if Nb is added? regards
New Post
12/6/2005 9:00 AM
We regularly produce Tube Support castings in this grade at our Foundry. We had also faced the problem of low elongation in the past but we could overcome the same by adopting better melting procedure, in particular the deoxidation procedure. The improvement in elongation was almost unbelievable. In my opinion, the problem is related to the cleanliness of the melt and not anything else. Regards, Kochappan.
New Post
12/13/2005 9:00 AM
Thanks to Mr.Kochappan.I would like to know by better deoxidation,how the elongation is improved?Kindly explain me in details and let me know your company. with advance thanks,
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