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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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12/18/2005 9:00 AM
hi dear hussain may i ask about your refrence about things you sayed. code or astandard that classify two level for h2s(50ppm and haigher) and for s, p,....... .which standard say usage of tm284 is mandatory and all... . tanks
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12/18/2005 9:00 AM
Dear Zamani, As stated earlier Nace MR-0175 is not complete enough for defining the material requirements for the H2S services, other codes and practices shall also included. These codes and practices are highly individualistic and adopted by the process licensors/construction consultants. The best thing is to contact your EPC contractor who have constructed the facilities and request their set on standards about the material selection in the wet H2S services. Hope you will find this informative. regards, Shabbar Hussain Refinery Corrosion Engineer
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12/19/2005 9:00 AM
Dear Zahani, In addition to my previous post, you can refer the following NACE standard : NACE - RP - 0296 : Guidelines for the Detection, repair and mitigation of cracking of existing petroleum refinery pressure vessels in wet H2S environments. This indicates certain guidelines about the materials in the wet H2S environments. Regards, Shabbar Hussain Refinery Corrosion Engineer
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1/11/2006 9:00 AM this link provides some useful information. let me know if you want more information
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