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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...410 SS HARDNESS IN HRB410 SS HARDNESS IN HRB
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12/7/2005 9:00 AM
HI What the recommended hardness HRB in the stainless steel 410 to prevent the SLUFIDE stress cracking thanks
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12/7/2005 9:00 AM
Mark Earlier NACE / API Refinery recommended limit: it was lower than 22 HRC ( < 240 BHN / VPN). Now it is further reduced to < 200 BHN / VPN or around 18 HRc Trust this is of help to you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Dec 8, 2005 E-mail: >HI >What the recommended hardness HRB in the stainless steel 410 >to prevent the SLUFIDE stress cracking > > >thanks
New Post
12/12/2005 9:00 AM
Hi The line was cracked at HAZ and the hardness found to be 31 HRC. I do not know if the line cracked due to high hardness level and the line is crude column line and most of the time pressure is zero. The welding was done with 309 L ER and No heat treatment was done. your comments will be valued.
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12/12/2005 9:00 AM
>Hi >The line was cracked at HAZ and the hardness found to be 31 >HRC. I do not know if the line cracked due to high hardness >level and the line is crude column line and most of the time >pressure is zero. The welding was done with 309 L ER and No >heat treatment was done. > >your comments will be valued. Mark, 410 SS (P6 - martensitic SS) per code (ASME B31.3) requires PWHT with minimum hardness of 241 BHN (23 HRC). If the line is directly off the crude column the temperature is most likely to high for sulfide stress cracking (usually occurs around 180F and below). SSC is possible downstream of the crude overhead condensers and accumulator. Was this a repair weld? I have seen and austenitic weld electrode used to weld 410 SS in a repair area without PWHT (cladding)!!! Scott123
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12/12/2005 9:00 AM
Hi Scott Sorry to be late in answering you by the email because I was out of the kingdom. Actually the pipe is 410 SS pipe the crack developed at the HAZ with the 309 L ER. After that no post weld heat treatment was preformed and no hardness test was taken. The line most of time is off and the temperature very low and the pressure almost zero. The line is return crude line connected to the PZV. So, at the up normal condition this line will had a feed only. Your feed back will be valued. Mark Corrosion Engineer
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...410 SS HARDNESS IN HRB410 SS HARDNESS IN HRB



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