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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...To combat CUITo combat CUI
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1/16/2006 9:00 AM
To combat Corrosion Under Insulation ( CUI ) do any one have any experience of using any Preservation Maintenance Program by application of Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitor ( VCI) by manual or within insulation Injection techniques ? regards DM
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1/16/2006 9:00 AM
Hi Actually we have a procedure to inspect the corrosion under insulation but never utilize any VCI. Only coating was applied. Totally I agree with you utilizing the VCI nowadays become very interesting issue I like to apply at our refinery. Let us hear from other may we found a supportive guidelines
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1/20/2006 9:00 AM
Still waiting any feed back. It seem to me no one use this before. Any how I will go deeper in this and let you know Thanks
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2/6/2006 9:00 AM
Debasis/Mark Mor There is a curious device that signals corrosion activity from Cui through a light led indication. This device is applied in the down part of insulated lines in dead legs lower points. I think that it could be useful on CUI control. For more details consult Regards Luis Marques
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3/7/2006 9:00 AM
Luis, I have a fair bit of knowledge about H2Obvious, and it doesn't just have to be fitted at dead legs or most susceptible points, any site that carries out routine strip and search procedures on insulated pipe for corrosion would benefit greatly from this device. It actually detects water on the pipe before corrosion has taken a grip, thereby allowing the operator to find the damaged insulation and repair or replace it without having to do 5 year inspections. This is a tool which if used and monitored correctly could very effectively reduce the amount of CUI encountered in the industry.
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