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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Cladding of carbon Steel with SSCladding of carbon Steel with SS
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12/6/2006 9:00 AM
Hi! I am currently reviewing a fabrication drawing for a 6.0 mm thk. carbon steel KO drum with 2.0 mm thk. SS 304 cladding. The base plate is SA 516 Gr. 60 and the SS plate liner is SA 240 Gr. 304. The vessel design Pr. is 0.26 MPa @ 250 deg. C. Vessel dimensions are 1500 mm O.D x 6000 mm T/L. The vendor proposes to attach the SS liner by plug welding (10 mm plugs) at 300 mm rotated sqare pitch. Considering that SS has a higher co-efficient of thermal expansion than CS, would the proposed attachment method be adequate? Is their a method where by the pitch of plug welds can be ascertained for such cladding methods based on the design temperature / pressure? Ashish
New Post
12/7/2006 9:00 AM
Ashish With that temperature (250%C2ºC) I wouldn%E2%80™t attach the SS liner trough plug welding SS plates. In the future due to different thermal expansion there is a great possibility of getting cracking on plug welds. For this vessel it should be preferably to have a total deposition of SS weld cladding or even better to have the vessel totally made of SA 240 Gr. 304. Regards Luis Marques
New Post
12/7/2006 9:00 AM
Thank You Luis. This precisely is my problem. ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 allows only 30 % of the total load to be carried by plug welds (UW-17). We are in no position to revise the equipment specs. NIDI paper on sheet lining underscores the importance of determinig the pitch of plug welds. Is their a reliable method to estimate the stresses on the plug weld ? Desperate designer! Ashish
New Post
12/7/2006 9:00 AM
Ashish If you are in no position to revise the equipment specs, put pression on your constructor; oblige him before vessel construction to perform a destructive plate vessel sample with the best pitch plug weld and stress tests at 250%C2ºC, so that the results make you comfortable in accepting the vessel construction design. Good luck Luis
New Post
12/8/2006 9:00 AM
Thank You Luis. For avoiding such problems in the future, is their a method where by the stress on the plug welds can be estimated, so that equipment specifications can be prepared accordingly. Ashish
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Cladding of carbon Steel with SSCladding of carbon Steel with SS



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