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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...corrosion in heat exchanger by h2o2corrosion in heat exchanger by h2o2
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6/21/2005 9:00 AM
Hello, I have a cooling tower in my plant and I use hydrogen peroxide in rate of 1 l of h2o2 for 1000 litres of water for water treatment. I've seen corrosion in heat exchanger and in screws. would be the cause of corrosion the adition of hydrogen peroxide? Thanks
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6/25/2005 9:00 AM
The corrosion by Cooling Water (CW) of coolers/condensers is a complex issue. The corrosion, among other factors, depends on water chemistry, microbiological activity and CW flow rate & velocity inside the tubes. The H2O2 / Chlorine dosing etc. is done to reduce microbial activity & corrosion there-off. The dosing pattern and rate depends on the CW treatment system you are following. Unless you get a clear picture regarding the eficiency of the CW treatment sytem, it will not be possible to comment obn the effect of H2O2 addition. However, it seems better to go for a coupon type testing to evaluate and monitor the efficiency of CW treatment rather than concentrate on any single factor. 'Hope it helps. Regards Chakra
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6/26/2005 9:00 AM
r_n Installing corrosion coupons at your heat exchanger inlet, and for the Cooling tower and return line areas would give about your C.W treatment conditions. Corrosion coupon would be the best choice . Further evaluate based on this data if H2O2 or Cholorine dosing is the main cause for the heat exchanger corrosion. Trust this is of help to you. >The corrosion by Cooling Water (CW) of coolers/condensers is >a complex issue. > >The corrosion, among other factors, depends on water >chemistry, microbiological activity and CW flow rate & >velocity inside the tubes. > >The H2O2 / Chlorine dosing etc. is done to reduce microbial >activity & corrosion there-off. The dosing pattern and rate >depends on the CW treatment system you are following. Unless >you get a clear picture regarding the eficiency of the CW >treatment sytem, it will not be possible to comment obn the >effect of H2O2 addition. > >However, it seems better to go for a coupon type testing to >evaluate and monitor the efficiency of CW treatment rather >than concentrate on any single factor. > >'Hope it helps. > >Regards > >Chakra
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6/28/2005 9:00 AM
Thanks for the answer, but what is a coupon testing? What do I need for doing this? Thankyou very much
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6/28/2005 9:00 AM
r_n Corrosion coupons are on-line monitoring systems for collection aand for evaluation of data gathered to determine corrosion rates in process systems - for existing materials or new materials or new process improvements. For Ex: if there is a change in process syctems - For Ex: a New Inhibitor trial or change in process chemicals or trials for cooling water treatment by additional dosing with new chemicals or fro existing dosing chemicals etc), For Ex: Trials for new materials for existing process systems to know/determine or evaluate the corrosion problems or cost effectiveness of the new change in material and establish clearly for your process plant system. For your specific plant problems or process this helps to establish clearly the provenness and effective cost benefit instead of relying on data on some users or general application details given by the suppliers or manufacturers of chemicals (inhibitors), material or metallurgical improvements (suppliers and manufacturers(. On-line withdrawal of corrosion coupons and evaluate the corrosion rate is done on a periodic basis at known or selected areas in the process system where specific corrosino problem is experienced more than in other areas. Rust this is of help to you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd Chennai India June 29, 2005 E-mail: >Thanks for the answer, but what is a coupon testing? What do >I need for doing this? > >Thankyou very much
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...corrosion in heat exchanger by h2o2corrosion in heat exchanger by h2o2



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