Forums are temporarily disabled while we are working on a new login procedure.

When migrating the old forums over to our new forums we were unable to retain the identity of the authors, so the old posts will show up as "anonymous". All NEW posts will show up credited to their authors. So please participate and share knowledge just as you have in the past.

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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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10/1/2002 9:00 AM
To our Corrosion and Materials website visitors. For those of you who have participated in our discussion forums, we have made significant improvements in the forum look, function and flexibility. For instance, now, when you post a message, you have an option to be notified via e-mail when the post is replyed to. Unfortunately, to update the forums we had to archive the old posts, including possibly some unanswered ones. We apologize for the inconvenience; however, we believe the changes will enhance the forum usefullness. As always, we promise to try and personally respond to appropriate posts with 48 hours. Thank you for your interest in our technical website! David Hendrix
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