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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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10/10/2002 9:00 AM
Sea water contains 0.3 mg/l ammonia. Can i use 90-10 Cu-Ni tube for a sea water exchanger. Please let us know the maximum limit of ammonia contents in sea water, where we can go for the same material.
New Post
10/10/2002 9:00 AM
90-10 Cu-Ni is reasonably resistant to ammonia SCC; however, it is not immune and can crack under some circumstances which are difficult to accurately define. At 0.2mg/l 90-10 should be ok; however,e if the concentration were to build up, based on organic material decay, etc. failure from cracking might occur. We know of no absolute limits for ammonia in seawater, regarding the use of 90-10 Cu-Ni. Hope this helps! David Hendrix
New Post
10/11/2002 9:00 AM
Dear Sir, Thanks a lot for giving this valuable information. However, we want to know at 0.3mg/l ammonia conc in sea water, can i use 90-10 Cu/Ni ? Otherwise shall i specify Titanium for this service? Thank you once again With best regards, J. K. De
New Post
10/12/2002 9:00 AM
Dear Sir: We offer no quarantees; however, in our last post, we stated that with 0.3mg/l ammonia, 90-10 Cu-Ni tubing should be acceptable for seawater service. However, understand in our response, we are only addressing acceptability based on the presence of ammonia i.e., not temperature, or other organisms that might degrade to increase the ammonia content, etc. Hope this helps! David Hendrix
New Post
11/12/2002 9:00 AM
Just want to chip in. SCC for nickel based alloys found prominently in 3 types environments; 1. high temp. halogen ion solution -( chloride solution ) 2. high temp waters 3. high temp alkaline environment regards.
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