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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Corrosion properties of Cast Iron FittingsCorrosion properties of Cast Iron Fittings
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4/4/2003 9:00 AM
We are a Fire Protection Contractor located in Michigan. We are currently installing an Automatic Fire Protection System within a newspaper printing plant where Class 250 cast iron fitings (steam fittings) were specified. The Class 125 cast iron fitting is the norm for our industry and this specification was interpreted to be a misprint. After a long battle with the engineer we are going to be able to leave the Class 125 fittings in lieu of the 250's, but we have to provide a credit and a 10 year warrenty against corrosion of those fittings. Where do I find information related to corrosion of cast iron materials? All of the fittings in question are manufactured by Ward. The claim by the engineer is that the thicker fitting will last longer and that is why Class 250 was specified. I am not doubting this, but how much longer? It seems to me that the sch. 40 pipe will be rusted far before any cast material. Example of thicknesses in question: 2" Class 125 fitting: .22, 2" Class 250 fitting: .39. This is a standard water based system in a climate controlled building (so excessive het is not the issue). Any info will help, Thank You, Todd Harroun Harroun Fire Protection
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4/5/2003 9:00 AM
Todd: You may be correct regarding the fitting vs. pipe time to perforation, based on their relative thicknesses. There is an abundance of published literature on the corrosion of cast iron in waters. We have data in our personal library. Also, try NACE International at and browse their bookstore. P.S. You don't state the owners anticipated design life requirements. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Corrosion properties of Cast Iron FittingsCorrosion properties of Cast Iron Fittings



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