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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...304 Stainless rust304 Stainless rust
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10/25/2007 9:00 AM
Please Help. I am having deep drawn 304 sinks made in China. The material itself seems to pass tough salt spray tests w/o any problems, but at the bottom of the sink, where we stamp out a drain hole, rust forms on the cut edge, and the sink therefore fails salt tests. Is this a result of the stamping-cut process? What can we do to avoid this? We urgently need advise and will be forever gratful for help. MartyS
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10/27/2007 9:00 AM
Dear MartyS, It looks that the manufacture of the sink is without the drain hole and U did the stamping out punch to prepare the drain hole. To mention the process of stamping out the drain hole ( usually cold stamping) depending upon the material composition and thickness and supply condition will intrduce reasonable amount of stress with the peak at the free cut edges. And if the cut edge is left as-it-is it is v.much susceptible to produce Stress Corrosion and w.r.t. nature of stress boundary it can have cracks radiations. U have to take out the sink from the system --> clean/pickle and passivate the cut edge from all rusts --> if there is any sharp corner round it & ensure no sharp free edge --> do a good solution annealing heat treatment ( consult your Inspection dept to address specific solution anneal temp. w.r.t. your 304 grade ) --> Re-Pickle/ passivate the sink --> Use and monitor. Hope this will solve ur headache. regards and intimate. >Please Help. >I am having deep drawn 304 sinks made in China. The >material itself seems to pass tough salt spray tests w/o any >problems, but at the bottom of the sink, where we stamp out >a drain hole, rust forms on the cut edge, and the sink >therefore fails salt tests. Is this a result of the >stamping-cut process? What can we do to avoid this? >We urgently need advise and will be forever gratful for >help. > >MartyS
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10/28/2007 9:00 AM
MartyS sINCERE Thanks for your prompt and helpful reponse. I think we are indeed narrowing down the cause as the effects of iron contaimination when the factory does the secondary operation of stamping the drain hole. So, after that is done, what is the fastest, easiest and least expensive way to, 1, avoid the contamination in the 1st place, and 2, passivate the raw stamped edge? We really can't roll or modify the edge, it needs to remain a simple stamped edge. Can we spray or bathe the sink in something to passavate the edge? MANY MANY THANKS FOR HELPING A STRANGER IN NEED
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