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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...SA 351 Gr HK40SA 351 Gr HK40
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2/17/2008 9:00 AM
My question is: What is the difference between SA351 Gr HK40 and A351 Gr HK40? If they are same material (alloy) , does it used in heaters? What is the limiting temperature for this alloy? If the heater is under ASME Sec.VIII pressure vessel code, can this materil used under this code? My information is we cannot use this material as a tube support for a pressure vessel if the pressure vessel is under the ASME SEC VIII code. If this is true, how come API heaters used HK40 material as a support? I really need to understand the difference and interpretation on this topic. Thank you very much for you all. Paul
New Post
2/23/2008 9:00 AM
Paul A 351 Gr HK 40 is the same as SA 351 HK 40. HK 40 - a medium carbon Fe-Cr-Ni alloy - is used in heaters - as centrifugally cast tubes or static cast for heater coil support upto 900 -950 deg C. HK 40 material is intended for high temperature use - generally upto 900-950 deg C for use in medium pressure ( 5-40 Kg/ at 900-950 deg C) in reformer furnaces, methanol plant and pyrolysis furnaces in Fertilizer, Refinery and Petro-chemical plant with service life calculated to last for 100,000 hours. Hope this helps you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Feb 23, 2008 E-mail: >My question is: > >What is the difference between SA351 Gr HK40 and A351 Gr >HK40? > >If they are same material (alloy) , does it used in heaters? >What is the limiting temperature for this alloy? > >If the heater is under ASME Sec.VIII pressure vessel code, >can this materil used under this code? > >My information is we cannot use this material as a tube >support for a pressure vessel if the pressure vessel is >under the ASME SEC VIII code. If this is true, how come API >heaters used HK40 material as a support? > >I really need to understand the difference and >interpretation on this topic. > >Thank you very much for you all. > >Paul
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...SA 351 Gr HK40SA 351 Gr HK40



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