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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Cr acceptance level in A335 P11 pipingCr acceptance level in A335 P11 piping
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10/7/2008 9:00 AM
Hello All, I am a new entrant to this forum and my Greetings to all. I am in a Petrochemical Plant in Opertaions Dept. We recently ordered P11 Piping and on the process of receipt of the same. The Tets certificates indicate Cr content of %7E0.87 Wt% against the requirement of 1-1.5% in A335 P11 Piping. The operating temperature is 544 DegC Max. Is the Piping acceptable for the above mentioned servcie. The service is HC with gaseous H2 %7E90%. Thanks and regards. Kumaraswamy
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10/10/2008 9:00 AM
Dear Kumaraswamy, (1) First give all the details of the ordered material & Test Certificates to your concerned dept. viz. Inspection Dept. / Materials/ Purchase as deemed fit. (2) As the basic code requirement w.r.t. standard chemical composition minimum requirement of "Cr" is not complying you can simply reject the same and ask clarification from the manufacturer/ supplier with all mecahnical ( RT & Et) properties. (3) Also check from ASME Section II, Part D the allowable stress values of P11 at 544C and whether it is meeting your system service requirements. Normally allowable stress is somewhere about 6000 Psi at your given Temp. (4) Also pl. post the detail TC chemistry with other properties. regards
New Post
10/10/2008 9:00 AM
Kumaraswamy P 11 piping with 0.87 wt % Cr at 544 deg cent in hydrogen service may be in the border limit (of acceptable limits) if partial pressure of hydrogen is low (for the intended use in your petrochemical plant is low). At 544 deg cent, long term creep effect may be slightly lower than that of 1.5% Cr material of P 11, due to lower Cr (0.87%)in the piping supplied. If partial pressure of hydrogen is low, it is serviceable. For accurate verification of this, check with Nelson curve limit and also the allowable stress limits to meet A 31.3. Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Oct 11, 2008 E-mail: >Hello All, >I am a new entrant to this forum and my Greetings to all. >I am in a Petrochemical Plant in Opertaions Dept. >We recently ordered P11 Piping and on the process of receipt >of the same. The Tets certificates indicate Cr content of >%7E0.87 Wt% against the requirement of 1-1.5% in A335 P11 >Piping. The operating temperature is 544 DegC Max. >Is the Piping acceptable for the above mentioned servcie. >The service is HC with gaseous H2 %7E90%. >Thanks and regards. >Kumaraswamy
New Post
10/13/2008 9:00 AM
Check the material specification fror this order. If the pipe material was procured to ASTM A 335 or SA 335 specification, the minimum required chromium content is 1% by mass. This means the pipe should be rejected for nonconformance.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Cr acceptance level in A335 P11 pipingCr acceptance level in A335 P11 piping



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