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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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11/8/2008 9:00 AM
HI ALL, We have a severe corrosion and pitting problem on one of our centrifugal pump. Presently the material of Pump is Killed carbon steel . The pump is service is Hydrocarbon. Corrosion has damaged the impeller, vanes and casing areas. Can we use the other material CA6NM (UNS J91540). Can anybody please give suggestion or opinion . Thanks and regards,
New Post
11/10/2008 9:00 AM
Pl. describe the service. >HI ALL, > >We have a severe corrosion and pitting problem on one of our >centrifugal pump. Presently the material of Pump is Killed >carbon steel . The pump is service is Hydrocarbon. Corrosion >has damaged the impeller, vanes and casing areas. Can we use >the other material CA6NM (UNS J91540). Can anybody please >give suggestion or opinion . > >Thanks and regards,
New Post
11/10/2008 9:00 AM
Thanks for your reply . Service is Hydrocarbon with acidic containmnets. regards, Mumtaz
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11/15/2008 9:00 AM
Mumtaz CA 6 NM may give better life for a couple of years for acidic contaminants in hdyro-carbon service down stream waste water system. Better still would be to think of Ti-Pd for pump casing and pump impeller from acidic contamination if there is likely presence of dilute HCl/H2SO4 / dilute H2So3 (in your hydro carbon waste water system). Ti-Pd - though quite costly - would give trouble free service for a number of years Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Nov 16, 2008 E-mail: >Pl. describe the service. >>HI ALL, >> >>We have a severe corrosion and pitting problem on one of our >>centrifugal pump. Presently the material of Pump is Killed >>carbon steel . The pump is service is Hydrocarbon. Corrosion >>has damaged the impeller, vanes and casing areas. Can we use >>the other material CA6NM (UNS J91540). Can anybody please >>give suggestion or opinion . >> >>Thanks and regards,
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2/10/2009 9:00 AM
Mumtaz... It is entirely possible that the damage to your pump has been caused by cavitation and/or running the pump at conditions that are not appropriate. Corrosion may not be an issue at all.. What is the NPSHa margin in the service that you have ? Is the pump operating with liquids near the vapor point ? -MJC
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