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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...SS 316L in Cold seater (Barents sea 0 to 5%C2°C)SS 316L in Cold seater (Barents sea 0 to 5%C2°C)
New Post
3/31/2009 9:00 AM
Good morning, Does anybody know the corrosion resistance of a SS 316L in cold seawater (0 to 5%C2°C, with ice) for a design life of 50 years without maintenance. it is for a hull ship in Barents sea. Do you suggest any requirements for this SS 316L or another material? Thank you Riri
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...SS 316L in Cold seater (Barents sea 0 to 5%C2°C)SS 316L in Cold seater (Barents sea 0 to 5%C2°C)



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