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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...IGC Testing of Duplex MaterialIGC Testing of Duplex Material
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12/28/2009 9:00 AM
Seeking views on the following topic: Some PMC/Client specifications specifies IGC testing of Austenitic SS as per ASTM A-262 Practice E is required & for Duplex SS / Super Duplex SS IGC testing as per ASTM A-262 Practice C (HUEY Test). Practice C is nitric acid test & results can be measured in terms of weight loss. I have a question, why ASTM A-262 Practice C is specified for Duplex SS / Super duplex SS materials? =============== Purav Desai
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12/28/2009 9:00 AM
To check on whether the material has been correctly heat treated or not. Further, this test is suitable for the detection of chromium depleted regions as well as intermetallic precipitations, like sigma phase, in the material.
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1/4/2010 9:00 AM
Purav Desai A 262 Practice C is to be followed for Duplex SS and Super Duplex SS as these are heat treatable grades. For heat treatable grades of S.S alloys, Practice C is to be done from heat treatment effect and also any intermediate precipitation or sigma like phases that develop which can promote IGSCC. A 262 Practice E is followed only for austenitic SS - non heat treatable grades. Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Jan 4, 2010 E-mail: nishi@vsnl/com >Seeking views on the following topic: > >Some PMC/Client specifications specifies IGC testing of >Austenitic SS as per ASTM A-262 Practice E is required & for >Duplex SS / Super Duplex SS IGC testing as per ASTM A-262 >Practice C (HUEY Test). > >Practice C is nitric acid test & results can be measured in >terms of weight loss. > >I have a question, why ASTM A-262 Practice C is specified >for Duplex SS / Super duplex SS materials? > >=============== >Purav Desai
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2/2/2010 9:00 AM
Mr. C.V.Srinivasan Thanks for the reply, I would further like to know that what exactly is heat treatable grades? Purav Desai
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