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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...The means of Lethal service!The means of Lethal service!
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11/25/2008 9:00 AM
hi all what is the means of lethal service? i want relationship between media(same as ppm of h2s ,nh3,...) and lethal service. best regard.
New Post
3/23/2009 9:00 AM
Micro... I am guessing that you are asking for the "meaning" of lethal service ( not the means). When using English remember that word selection and meanings are important !!! I am also assuming that you are asking about the ASME B&PVCode definition of lethal service. (although you do not state this) Try these links: Please come back with a more specific wording of your question. -MJC
New Post
4/2/2009 9:00 AM
I am sorry MJCronin because of my bad English. I have to practice my English. However, your answer is very useful for me. Thank you and best regards.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...The means of Lethal service!The means of Lethal service!



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