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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Weld repair of  P11 using Inconel to avoid PWHTWeld repair of P11 using Inconel to avoid PWHT
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3/16/2009 9:00 AM
Dear all Can any help to suggest if we can use Inconel filler wire to carry out small weld repair in a P11 material of 40 mm thick to avoid PWHT. Service is process gas of hydrogen 35%, design pressure is 35KSCG and design demperature is 480 Deg.C. Thanks Regards Venkatasubramanian
New Post
3/16/2009 9:00 AM
Venkat 40 mm thick P 11 requires PWHT as per piping code or ASME Code practices. In hydrogen service 35 KSC with design temperature - 480 degree centigrade - PWHT is a "must" even with Inconel filler wire. If you attempt without PWHT, you may land with problems of re-heat cracking in this service with catastrophic "fire hazards" in such service. You should be aware : Hydrogen fire is uncontrollable once HAZ or parent material is left with high hardness. Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India March 17, 2009 E-mail: >Dear all > >Can any help to suggest if we can use Inconel filler wire to >carry out small weld repair in a P11 material of 40 mm thick >to avoid PWHT. Service is process gas of hydrogen 35%, >design pressure is 35KSCG and design demperature is 480 >Deg.C. > >Thanks >Regards >Venkatasubramanian
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsMaterial Select...Material Select...Weld repair of  P11 using Inconel to avoid PWHTWeld repair of P11 using Inconel to avoid PWHT



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