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6/11/2005 9:00 AM
Hi Chakra Thanks for your advice and your involvement and your concerns are valued. Lima Thanks for your information sharing. You mentioned that when chlorides level in the boot of the overhead drum is higher a proper water washing should be done .where this water wash come form and be injected to what
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6/13/2005 9:00 AM
Mark mor Most of the atmospheric distillation units have an on line water washing at the inlet nozzles of main column overhead air coolers to remove ammonium chloride deposits which tend to aggregate inside air cooler bundles. These ammonium chloride aggregations promote hard pitting by corrosion under deposit. Normally for water washing one uses desalted water. This water is collected in a drum and is recirculated to the inlet nozzles of overhead air coolers to remove ammonium chloride salts. When this water is saturated it is recommended to inject make up water in the drum to regenerate the water. Ideally it was recommended to do a water wash with dematerialized boiler water but, this is not economical Regards Luis Marques
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6/14/2005 9:00 AM
Hi Thanks for your information that will help me a lot. the preheat trains they work in parallel the crude enter to the heat exchanger num. 5 and go out to the heat exchanger num.6 until it reach heat exchanger num7 .During the shut down the preheat is cleaned by the hydro jetting to remove any deposit so, no way to had an stagnate flow. Luis Marques Thank you for your help and we inject the water wash from the boot to the over head at location before the amine neutralizer and if the chloride is high only the action made is to increase the caustic injection at the desalter down stream . I will appreciate your support and I hope we go forward in sharing the information. Mark Mor Refinery corrosion Engineer
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6/15/2005 9:00 AM
Hi all, Just two last questions on the subject - Please confirm. 1) You describe using boot water for water wash at the O/H. I mean, you use the low pH, high Cl- boot water of reflux drum is being used for water wash ? 2) Desalter operation - Generally it requires 4-6% water addition at desalter. In view of high Cl- problems, what type of water is added in desalter ? Do you take the boot water again as a major part of desalter water ? If answer to any of these are yes, then a change to other low Cl-, normal pH water at above locations might help you significantly. 'Hope this helps. Chakra
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6/26/2005 9:00 AM
Hi Hi all, Just two last questions on the subject - Please confirm. 1) You describe using boot water for water wash at the O/H. I mean, you use the low pH, high Cl- boot water of reflux drum is being used for water wash ? 2) Desalter operation - Generally it requires 4-6% water addition at desalter. In view of high Cl- problems, what type of water is added in desalter ? Do you take the boot water again as a major part of desalter water ? If answer to any of these are yes, then a change to other low Cl-, normal pH water at above locations might help you significantly. 'Hope this helps. Actually for the question #1 yes we inject the water that has 40ppm cl to the over head with some water coming from another process. For the question #2 the water added to the desalter coming from the water boot and combined from brine water that comes from the first desalter . In good explanation please follow the process description to understand the water wash at the desalter: The are two desalters num .1 and 2 the crude enters to num.1 and wash water was added to the crude (water from water boot and recycled water from desalter num,2) after that the crude enters to the desalter num, 2 and go to the preheat. The brine water that recycled from desalter num, 2 to the desalter num.1 as water wash its Cl is very high may be reach to 123 ppm. Thanks and your addition will be valued
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