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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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4/4/2006 9:00 AM
During our visits to different metallurgical testing laboratories for witnessing of procedure qualification, we are informed by their representatives about the care they take to avoid contamination of Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) and that they change Miller Heads for CS and DSS, keep saw blades different for different material and so on. What difference or problems can be expected if we use for example, the same Miller Head, Blades for CS and SS/DSS ?
New Post
4/6/2006 9:00 AM
Dear Shakeel, It is done to avoid any surface contamination left on the SS/DSS by the application of CS blades/wire brush in the form of CS particles. SS/DSS is known to have passivity and contamination with CS contamination causes breakdown of that passivity by generating a differential cell resulting in the initiation of corrosion under corrosive conditions. Regards, Shabbar Hussain Refinery Corrosion Engineer
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