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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Buried lineBuried line
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5/15/2006 9:00 AM
Hi In Our plant the drain line for the bump will be buried line. The line is 14%E2%80%9D and the length is 10 m. Are we needed to install galvanic anodes to protect this portion? Thanks Mark
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5/15/2006 9:00 AM
Mark Try a Coat n Wrap technicque for outside for this buried drain pipe which will give reasonable protection as well serve a long time. C.P will cost u more and not worth - in my view- for 10 M distance for a drainl ine inside a plant. Coat n Wrap : there are several applications n thicknness u can choose. Trust this is of help to u C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India May 16,2006 E-mail: >Hi >In Our plant the drain line for the bump will be buried >line. The line is 14%E2%80%9D and the length is 10 m. Are we >needed to install galvanic anodes to protect this portion? >Thanks >Mark
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5/24/2006 9:00 AM
My friend Thanks for your input
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5/28/2006 9:00 AM
For selection of cathodic protection , several criteria like soil resistivity, service temperature, locational feasibility for anode installation, depth of line inside soil, line criticality, frequency of inspection and other economics needs to be worked out. Cathodic protection with sacrifical anodes can be designed basis the above inputs. You may also try out with good quality pipe coatings/wrappings(fusion bonded epoxy etc) if the temperature is not too high. >Hi >In Our plant the drain line for the bump will be buried >line. The line is 14%E2%80%9D and the length is 10 m. Are we >needed to install galvanic anodes to protect this portion? >Thanks >Mark
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