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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Storage tank segregations and laminationsStorage tank segregations and laminations
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12/6/2006 9:00 AM
Ol%C3%A1 Luis, espero que se encontre bem!!! Exactamente sou o Luis que est%C3%A1 a pensar que %C3%A9!!!! Agrade%C3%A7o desde j%C3%A1 a sua dica. Estou com um problema na 1%C2%AA virola de um tanque que me est%C3%A1 a ser dif%C3%ADcil de avaliar, porque a quantidade de segrega%C3%A7%C3%B5es %C3%A9 de tal forma cont%C3%ADnua e a v%C3%A1rias profundidades que n%C3%A3o se consegue delimitar nenhuma zona em concreto. Vou dar uma olhadela no API RP 579. Obrigado Luis. Um abra%C3%A7o. >Your name seems to me familiar because my name is also Luis >Ant%C3%B3nio do you work in ISQ (Portugal)? If so I suppose I >know you. > >For your problem I suppose that API Recommended Practice 579 >Fitness For Service SECTION 7 %E2%80“ Assessment Of Blisters And >Laminations will help on your decision > >Regards > >Luis Marques
New Post
12/7/2006 9:00 AM
Many thanks. Will see what we can do. Best Regards Luis
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12/10/2006 9:00 AM
During olden days due to poor melting practice (which was available during those period)one can expect more laminations.The lamination will grow only when you have tensile load favourably located along the lamination path otherwise we can safely use the tank without doing any alteration. regards, krish
New Post
12/11/2006 9:00 AM
Firstly, many Thanks. And if you have mainly segregations in all plate? Luis
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Storage tank segregations and laminationsStorage tank segregations and laminations



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