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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Monel attacked in sea waterMonel attacked in sea water
New Post
12/12/2006 9:00 AM
hi Monel floating head cover of one heat exchanger experienced pitting corrosion at the heat affected zone with red to brown deposit around the welding joint. The service was sea water treated with chlorine. Any possible causes will be help. Thanks Mark
New Post
12/13/2006 9:00 AM
There is a possibility of copper leaching out during welding process and subsequent deposit due to service corrosion. Or otherwise please check the floating head cover material and if it is brass there is a possibility of dezincification where zinc leached out and redeposition at vulnerable places. regards, krish
New Post
12/15/2006 9:00 AM
thanks for your replay. But also, we found corrosion under deposit at the base metal. Deposit is sea water Organism . Thanks
New Post
12/17/2006 9:00 AM
There are possibility that parent metal also could be affected due to high cotaminant in sea water.If TDS is very high there are possibility that attach will be everywhere.
New Post
12/18/2006 9:00 AM
For the corrosion protection could we coat the monel with epoxy coating only. thanks
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Monel attacked in sea waterMonel attacked in sea water



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