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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Amine corrosionAmine corrosion
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1/19/2007 9:00 AM
Hello; Please explain what type of corrosion one would expect in a Amine regenerator tower if the top head teperature is quite low (about 80C). where would you see the corrosion? I mean location. Thanks. :D
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1/20/2007 9:00 AM
demluk: You might expect to see corrosion at the top of the tower if the vapors are condensing in the tower. Also, corrosion of the reflux line and at the inlet to the tower from the line. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
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1/20/2007 9:00 AM
>demluk: > >You might expect to see corrosion at the top of the tower if >the vapors are condensing in the tower. Also, corrosion of >the reflux line and at the inlet to the tower from the line. > >Hope this helps! > > >David Hendrix >The Hendrix Group Inc. David; Thanks for your response. But I like to know what type of corrosion one would expect in amine regenerator tower? Also please reply to my follwing corrosion problems? what type of corrosion and where does the corrosion will occure? 1. Slow following oil pipeline that is not regulary pigged 2. Produced water pipiline with CO2 is about 15%, high pressure about 2000psi and high flow rate. Assume, this pipiline goes through a muskeg with lots of ups and down. Thank you; Demluk.
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1/21/2007 9:00 AM
>>demluk: >> >>You might expect to see corrosion at the top of the tower if >>the vapors are condensing in the tower. Also, corrosion of >>the reflux line and at the inlet to the tower from the line. >> >>Hope this helps! >> >> >>David Hendrix >>The Hendrix Group Inc. > >David; > >Thanks for your response. But I like to know what type of >corrosion one would expect in amine regenerator tower? > >Also please reply to my follwing corrosion problems? what >type of corrosion and where does the corrosion will occure? > >1. Slow following oil pipeline that is not regulary pigged > >2. Produced water pipiline with CO2 is about 15%, high >pressure about 2000psi and high flow rate. Assume, this >pipiline goes through a muskeg with lots of ups and down. > >Thank you; > >Demluk. Demluk: Assuming that the regenerator tower was carbon steel, the corrosion would probably be as a combination of general corrosion and pitting. Re your oil pipeline, the corrosion would most probably be at the bottom of the pipeline under deposits (similar to the BP Alaska pipeline). Re your CO2 pipe, corrosion rates of carbon steel would be expected to be high. It is difficult to predict the corrosion location and type, (i.e., pitting, mesa, general, etc.) without conducting a detailed risk analysis, based on pipeline topography. David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
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2/13/2007 9:00 AM
I've been in a tower like this. They had put stainless steel cladding in the entire top head of the tower and down to the top tray deck.
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