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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery pipingde-ethaniser piping
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6/18/2007 9:00 AM
Hi Our refinery experienced frequent leaks in the de-ethaniser carbon steel piping system after the start up of the CCR Platformer. The increased chloride levels in the Platforming streams after the start up of the CCR is suspected to be one of the reasons for the thinning observed in the piping. One of the recommendations is to evaluate the piping metallurgy upgrade in deethaniser overhead system to account for the traces of HCL. Any comments Thanks
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6/19/2007 9:00 AM
You didn't mentioned about the operating fluid temperature.Normally in moist as well as high temperature environment carbon steel is not a best material for chloride application.Due to presence of moisture chloride will condense and will become HCl which is very corrosive to carbon steel.If the service temperature is not high enough then SS316L will be the better choice due to presence of Mo. regards,
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6/24/2007 9:00 AM
Actually the temp. is 40 c. i want to make sure is this type of corrosion when the temp. is too low name dew point corrosion or just pitting and the dew point corrosion at high temp. When water condense with some of corrosive species. Moreover, if we arise the temp. to 70 c above the hcl dew point is the system protected even there was a water . Or wherever there water blew the its dew point the chloride dramatically will condense. More clarification will add more value to our system and my understanding to dew point corrosion. Thanks
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7/2/2007 9:00 AM
The usual metallurgy used on deethanizer overhead is carbon steel with corrosion inhibitor injection on overhead line to monitor HCL corrosion. Contact, Baker Hughes or Nalco Ondeo. They will assess you on the proper inhibitor choice. Luis Marques
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7/3/2007 9:00 AM
Hi Lima But we are injecting the chemical filmer amine at the overhead of the debutnaizer. Are we need to inject at both column. Thanks
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery pipingde-ethaniser piping



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