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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Hardness Requirement for Monel - 400 CladdingHardness Requirement for Monel - 400 Cladding
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10/30/2005 9:00 AM
Dear Members, I would firts like to convey my sincere regards to every one who shares their valuable information on this dicussion forum. I am a new member to forum and found this forum very informative and interactive. Please find below the post which I have initiated. We have observed Hydrogen blistering on our Crude Overhead accumulator. As a corrective measure we have planned to internally linned the Cs vessel with monel - 400 and as requirement we have specified the folowing requirements. 1. Explosion bonding 2. Cross section microstructure of the bonding to confirm complete bonding. MR-175-2002 was also referred for the hardness requirement but their is no hardness requirement for the monel-2002 where as for some other Nickel-copper alloys the hardness mentioned as 35 HRC. Till date we have not observed any cracking on any of the monel cladded vessels, but cracking seems to be quite common phenomenon observed. Please share your views regarding the hardness requirements, if any of the monel-400 cladded material. Regards, Shabbar Corrosion Engineer
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10/31/2005 9:00 AM
Your decision of Explosion Bonding and c/s micro are correct. before micro you can assess the full area by Twin Probing to assess interface fusion bond condition. Monel -400 lining can reduce acid corrosion and HID to a great extent. I can only refer para of MR0175-97 that UNS 04400, ASTM A 494 are acceptable to max. 35 HRC max. Now to be on the safe side it is better to follow as per NACE 0175- December 2003 edition of 200 BHN max. You should be aware that Monel 400 should be free from contamination of HF acid and Oxygen as these may lead to SCC. . regards DM
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10/31/2005 9:00 AM
Thanks for the reply. In fact we dont have the copy of the latest edition of MR-175. From your reply it seems that MR-175-2003 is the latest edition which speaks about the Monel-400 Hardness. Regards, Shabbar
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10/31/2005 9:00 AM
I have neither latest edition nor Dec. 2003 edition of NACE MR 0175. I have just referred 97 edition for Monel Value. If you get some more inputs pl. share.
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11/3/2005 9:00 AM
Shabbar I am not so sure if you intention planning of internally Monel lining your C.S crude overhead vessel is the good one. %B7 Instead you should replace your carbon steel vessel according ANSI/NACE Standard TM0284-2003 Item No. 21215 “Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking” and NACE TM0177 – “laboratory testing of metals for resistance to sulphide stress cracking in H2S environments”. You should note that: “Hydrogen induced damage describes any of a number of forms of degradation of metals caused by exposure to environments (liquid or gas) which cause absorption of hydrogen into the material to cause degradation in mechanical performance. Examples of hydrogen-induced damage are: Formation of internal cracks, blisters or voids in steels. Prevention or Remedial Action for internal cracking or blistering are: 1-use of steel with low levels of impurities (i.e. sulphur and phosphorus). 2-modify environment to reduce hydrogen charging. 3-use of surface coatings and effective inhibitors. Regards Luis Marques
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Hardness Requirement for Monel - 400 CladdingHardness Requirement for Monel - 400 Cladding



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