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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Internally Finned Heater TubeInternally Finned Heater Tube
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12/22/2005 9:00 AM
In Petrochemicals and Refinery , any experience of use of internally finned tube for Ethylene Pyrolysis Coil ( Naptha Cracking) w.r.t Carbon deposits , Carburisation and associated damage events. regards and pl. share DM
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12/22/2005 9:00 AM
Debasis Are you sure that what your question meant as "internal finned" is applicable for heater tubes ? To my knowledge no manufacturer/ fabricator makes "internally finned heater tubes" due to simple problem / reason of finning internaly will restrict flow of gas or liquid and increase velocity in the system and also no inspection is possible during fabrication stage of internal finned tubes + carry over of fins due to internal corrosion affecting / getting carried over process sream and affecting or blocking of in downstream equipment / piping. All manurfacturers / fabricators , as fas as i know, supply or fabircate finned heater coils only with " Eexternal finned tubes only" in naptha cracking service. Please confrim on this. C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Dec 22, 2005 >In Petrochemicals and Refinery , any experience of use of >internally finned tube for Ethylene Pyrolysis Coil ( Naptha >Cracking) w.r.t Carbon deposits , Carburisation and >associated damage events. >regards and pl. share >DM >
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12/22/2005 9:00 AM
Dear Mr. Srinivasan, Internally finned, centrifugally cast tubes have been developed recently. It has been developed by Manoir Industries, France, if I am right, but now some other manufacturers also claime to have developed the process. I do not have any information regarding the actual performance of these finned tubes. Regards, Kochappan.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Internally Finned Heater TubeInternally Finned Heater Tube



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