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3/27/2006 9:00 AM
In a turnaround where you have lots of people working together inside special confined dirty spaces like reactors or columns and where you have several work disciplines teams such as cleaning, mechanical, welding etc. it is important to deal with their emotions in the sense to smooth the work, so that the people involved in the work feel motivated and proud of their role for the success of the job. When you entered inside a column with all that noise of pneumatic tools and hammer strikes mixed with %E2%80%9Cslag songs%E2%80%9D and whistles of %E2%80%9Cstrange singers and musicians%E2%80%9D it is a signal that the work is going pretty well. On the contrary if everybody is quarrelling and arguing with bed humour is because there is something wrong with the supervising of those teams. Most of the time is better to have a very good emotional intelligent supervisor that a cognitive one. This is my understanding for the meaning of Emotional Intelligence ( EQ) Regards Luis
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