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I would like to have forum feed back up dated experiences on oil refinery turnaround preparation. Site web articles and presentations would be appreciated.
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This is a hot and huge issue which may not be encompassed in this forum. However the folowing points I feel to shere with.
(1) Try to complete maximum Job in Pre-Turnaround whichever is practicable/ manageable and donot left those for turnaround.
(2) For Process, Operation Control, Maintenance and Inspection co-ordination, job prioritization and Notepad MicroPlanning is very much required.
(3) Divide entire complex into discreet cells headed by Cell Leader Ownership.
(4) WorkGroup and Contractor Representative must have checklist to reproduce "At a glance Job Progress Status".
(5) Surprise and Notified Safety Surveillance is MUST. Safety Award and Punishment system can be there.
(6) The application of Emotional Intelligence ( EQ) for much labour intensive jobs like Column Tray replacement comes out to be very effective and productive.
(7) Surplus stock inventory of critical consumables and spares is to be well planed.
stopping here for other opinions.
>I would like to have forum feed back up dated experiences on
>oil refinery turnaround preparation. Site web articles and
>presentations would be appreciated.
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Joined: 1/1/0001
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Oil refinery turn-around is on the following basis :
1. Complete turn-around - which usually is planned and implemented once in 5-6 yeas of scheduling.
2. Mini or part turn around which can be planned and implemented once 2-3 years of scheduling.
Your question is not clear whether it is related to part turn around or complete refinery shut down to look at all equipment including major modifications of equipment or major replacements / major piping replacements which includes heavy capital investment related replacements
For Ex: a Hydro cracker replacement or upgradation to the system or Hydro de-sulphurizer modification or replacement is usually linked to complete turn-around scheduling.
Assuming your question is related to complete refinery turn-around:
A: Material procuremnet planning starts - two years ahead of refinery turn-around for major orders, critical spares and auxiliary unit replacement or supplies, identifying new vendors or new improvements for process etc
B: Simultaneously, maintenance planning starts - parallel to the material procurement planning for major over-haul of equipment, man power planning, material and vendor selection and award of work etc.
C: Operation planning for de-bottlenecking of major process performance hurdles or planing new major equipment replacements like Hydro desulphurizer, Vacuum Vis breaker or Vacuum Hydro Cracker etc is related to materials, maintenance and over haul of all refinery improvement in process variables.
D: Technical Service related functions : relates to adhering to new norms of pollution or environment control norms for the refinery, inspection scheduling of major equipment and piping inspection including utilities plant (like Power plant, water treatment, cooling tower inspection etc). Along with technical service design and inspection becomes a part for these major over-haul of refinery turn-around.
E: Detailed planning starts - two years ahead - with a separate group coordinating all these major procurement. critical inventory control for spares availability, man power availability (including contactor selection and man power allocation). Monthly co-ordination meetings start based on these with all key departments participating including with refinery top management teams. All decisions and implementation plan and programmes are reviewed periodically including finance provision and expense relaed budgeting.
F: Points raised by Debasis is valid and this starts only after all budgetary and finance allocation and major procurement orders and contractor selections are all done - almost one year ahead or atleast six months ahead after ensuirng that all systems are under control of major complete turn-around of refinery.
G: Critical listing and detailed work plan and allocation of duties including drafting of people from other service departments for the job on 12 hr basis - for each shift - starts 3-6 months ahead with coordinated meetings and review discussions with top management.
H: Most important among these: Since refinery turn-around affects supplies of gas, diesel, petrol, avaition fuel, kerosene, LPG, furnace oil, fuel oil etc to outside industrial plants and as well as to the public (common house holds and common people) at large, prior attempt to make sure that enough stocks are built to mitigate this short fall in supplies to key distribution and net work affecting the entire zone or area of the country.
It is difficutl to describe in a forum like this all details.
Trust this helps you to appreciate the limitation in discussing further.
C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India March 23,2006
>I would like to have forum feed back up dated experiences on
>oil refinery turnaround preparation. Site web articles and
>presentations would be appreciated.
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Joined: 1/1/0001
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Hi Debasis/Srinivasan
Tank you for you usual very constructive replies
%E2%80%9CThe application of Emotional Intelligence ( EQ) for much labour intensive jobs like Column Tray replacement comes out to be very effective and productive.%E2%80%9D
Excuse me my ignorance but what do you mean about Emotional Intelligence?
Excuse me for being so generic. I would like to have some feed back on the planning of Maintenance Turnarounds. From my point of view to plan a turnaround is not only responsibility of the maintenance. To plan a turnaround needs multifunctional teams such as operations process, technology, inspection, engineering and maintenance. All these task teams should be involved in the same goal, which is to complete, the turnaround in time with the best equipment reliability, safely and with no delays.
We are going to start preparing our next main turnaround, which will take place somewhere in 2008. We will start with workshops involving people from inspection, technology, process operations, engineering, maintenance and safety.
We have already defined the main big works and now with the outputs from RBI crossed with historic inspections reports and inspectors experience we will define a PIE (inspection plan testing for each equipment item).
With this PIE we will obtain the previous turnaround intervention equipment list.
After that in workshops forums, unit-by-unit we will discuss that previous equipment list to achieve a consensus for the final detailed turnaround equipment list.
After revision of all PIE according to final turnaround equipment list we will send them 1,5 year before turnaround date to maintenance planning for contractors purchase and materials procurement. With the definition of the critical path the planning process will be close.
As soon as contractors are selected we will promote meetings to discuss work details, related with process shut down, safety, inspection, planning and maintenance so that the turnaround scheduling of each contractor be aligned with turnaround critical path.
Any feedback, presentation or others experiences on this subject would be appreciated.
Luis Marques
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Joined: 1/1/0001
Posts: 0
EQ is only a new terminology - which is nothing new. Do not give big importance to this new terminology. Your experienced mantenance planning and maintenance team should be able to organize tray removal, replacement and inspection for big columns and towers without much problem.
U have partly started the planning for your T/A. I think with momentum gained departmentally, u will proceed systematically and keep track of all refinery shut down activities.
Refinery T/A is not confined to only inspection and mechanical maintenance activities. This should include / combines with electrical, instrument and operational /process work.also to have an integrated planned shut down completion in time and within budgeted target of expenses and man power allocation and with time to accomplish the same.
Trust this is of help to you
C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engneers Pvt Ltd India March 24
E-mail: nishi@vsnl.com
>Hi Debasis/Srinivasan
>Tank you for you usual very constructive replies
>%E2%80%9CThe application of Emotional Intelligence ( EQ) for much
>labour intensive jobs like Column Tray replacement comes out
>to be very effective and productive.%E2%80%9D
>Excuse me my ignorance but what do you mean about Emotional
>Excuse me for being so generic. I would like to have some
>feed back on the planning of Maintenance Turnarounds. From
>my point of view to plan a turnaround is not only
>responsibility of the maintenance. To plan a turnaround
>needs multifunctional teams such as operations process,
>technology, inspection, engineering and maintenance. All
>these task teams should be involved in the same goal, which
>is to complete, the turnaround in time with the best
>equipment reliability, safely and with no delays.
>We are going to start preparing our next main turnaround,
>which will take place somewhere in 2008. We will start with
>workshops involving people from inspection, technology,
>process operations, engineering, maintenance and safety.
>We have already defined the main big works and now with the
>outputs from RBI crossed with historic inspections reports
>and inspectors experience we will define a PIE (inspection
>plan testing for each equipment item).
>With this PIE we will obtain the previous turnaround
>intervention equipment list.
>After that in workshops forums, unit-by-unit we will discuss
>that previous equipment list to achieve a consensus for the
>final detailed turnaround equipment list.
>After revision of all PIE according to final turnaround
>equipment list we will send them 1,5 year before turnaround
>date to maintenance planning for contractors purchase and
>materials procurement. With the definition of the critical
>path the planning process will be close.
>As soon as contractors are selected we will promote meetings
>to discuss work details, related with process shut down,
>safety, inspection, planning and maintenance so that the
>turnaround scheduling of each contractor be aligned with
>turnaround critical path.
>Any feedback, presentation or others experiences on this
>subject would be appreciated.
>Luis Marques
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