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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...McConomy CurvesMcConomy Curves
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5/20/2006 9:00 AM
I am teaching a course in Refining Technology. I used to have a copy of the originally published McConomy curves, but no more. I need to provide a reference to that publication (1950s?). Or an example page of the curves, or a modification of them. Or both, a page and the reference would be great! Can you help me on this? Thanks, Ralph
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5/22/2006 9:00 AM
Ralph You will find useful guidelines from - Guidelines for Avoiding Sulfidic Corrosion in Refining Process Plants - an Update - from API Refining meeting New Orleans - April 18/19, 2005. Also look at - Selecting materials for Process Piping -under publications some useful information on modified Mc Conomy Curves. Also look at 2002 Corrosion minutes - under technical. Also look at: where you will find useful references for napthenic acid corrosion in refining service. Trust this is of help to you C.V.Srinivsan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India may 23,2006 E-mail: >I am teaching a course in Refining Technology. I used to >have a copy of the originally published McConomy curves, but >no more. I need to provide a reference to that publication >(1950s?). Or an example page of the curves, or a >modification of them. Or both, a page and the reference >would be great! > >Can you help me on this? > >Thanks, > >Ralph
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