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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Amine Stripper Overhead CorrosionAmine Stripper Overhead Corrosion
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6/11/2006 9:00 AM
Amine unit overhead stripper is suffering of high corrosion rate due to presence of ammonium bisulphide. The riot cause for the problem is ammonia. The proposed solution to remove ammonia are %E2%80%A2 Purge from overhead reflux line %E2%80%A2 Install water wash facility Which is more efficient to remove ammonia? For the second proposed solution, I have been told that we may need more than one stage of wash water would to remove ammonia. I appreciate if you can share with me you experience in this regard. Thanks
New Post
6/11/2006 9:00 AM
To tackle ammonia bisulphide corrosion,water wash will be the best solution and water should not contain any impurities.Condensate water will be best alternative.Please check the stripper overhead line also for possible corrosion attack if the temperature falls below the value.
New Post
6/14/2006 9:00 AM
Feed Preparation: %E2%80“Inlet Separator K/O of Entrained Water %E2%80“Water Wash Inlet Separator Feed %E2%80“Dilute Caustic Wash Inlet Separator Feed. Properly design and maintain water wash injection with low oxygen content; provide sufficient excess water to ensure that an adequate amount of water remains as liquid to dilute the NH4HS salts. Use proper injection spray nozzles and metallurgy. Put filters in fat Amine Luis
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Amine Stripper Overhead CorrosionAmine Stripper Overhead Corrosion



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