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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...External Pitting & Cracking of Duplex 2205 Reboiler TubExternal Pitting & Cracking of Duplex 2205 Reboiler Tub
New Post
8/2/2006 9:00 AM
The reboiler tubes at the stripper column are experiencing pitting and cracking from external side which is stripped sour water. The sour water contains typically about 10-15 mg/L chlorides. The tubeside contains MP Steam at around 190 degC. Sour water enters the reboiler at 134 degC. We upgraded the reboiler tube from carbon steel to duplex as the bundle kept leaking every 2-3 years. There's no blowdown so I'm thinking that the chlorides could somehow concentrate on the shellside. The locations of pitting and cracking are directly underneath the top inlet. We've also installed an impingement plate but to no effect. I thought that duplex 2205 could withstand up to 1000ppm chlorides. Appreciate any pointers in mitigating this problem whether metallurgy upgrade (eg. Incolloy 825?) or other suggestions. Thank you! Alani
New Post
8/11/2006 9:00 AM
Alani: 2205SS should be able to resist 1000 ppm chlorides, but not necessarily in all sour waters. Sour waters containing cyanides and H2S will lower the resistance to chloride pitting and SCC. You could also be getting concentration of chlorides at the inlet. Also, 2205SS does not hold up well in waters containing HCL, as it preferentially corrdes the ferrite phase. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...External Pitting & Cracking of Duplex 2205 Reboiler TubExternal Pitting & Cracking of Duplex 2205 Reboiler Tub



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