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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...MOC for the crude unit when the rate get upMOC for the crude unit when the rate get up
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10/9/2006 9:00 AM
HI If the rate at the crude unit increased from 170 MMD to 250 MMD for assort time 20 days. What the corrosion engineer involvement here what the management of change should be done (MOC) thanks
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10/11/2006 9:00 AM
Mark Mor When thru'put is increased by 40-50% (like 170 MMD to 250 MMD), a combined team of Process Engineer, Design Engineer, Inspection (Corrosion & Metallurgical Engineer), Operation (Chemical engineering background in operation) should first sit together whether the orignal design is adequate to take this excess flow or pressure or temperature or velocity increases . Its adequacty ( ie., capacity of plant equipment / piping / control systems) to take this excess thru'put load should first be evaluated from the points of : Additional flow / increase in velocity, temperature changes (if any) or pressure variations in : piping, control valves, pumps, exchangers, and then finally static vessels. Also a study if vessel has SRV (Safety Relief Valves)with adequate relief measures to take this excess capacity It is a combined role of a group of engineers in the plant. Trust this help you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt. Ltd India Aug 11,2006 >HI >If the rate at the crude unit increased from 170 MMD to 250 >MMD for assort time 20 days. What the corrosion engineer >involvement here what the management of change should be >done (MOC) > >thanks
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...MOC for the crude unit when the rate get upMOC for the crude unit when the rate get up



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