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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Welding 25Cr-35Ni & 35Cr-45Ni tubes with Inconel 601Welding 25Cr-35Ni & 35Cr-45Ni tubes with Inconel 601
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10/26/2006 9:00 AM
We are evaluating, along with our inspection group, the use of Inconel 601 (ErNiCrFe-11) welding wire for welding of old carburized 0.4C-25Cr-35Ni-Nb Microlloy and 0.4C-35Cr-45Ni-Nb Microlloy tubes in our ethylene furnaces (cracking ethane/propane, TMTs reachnig around 1100 deg C). Would appreciate any valuable inputs regarding use of Inconel 601, its comparison with other Nickel based filers and any related suggestions. Currently we have been using matching fillers only. I read in this forum Inconel 625/ErNiCrMo3 as one good option. (Surprisingly, AWS says it could be used only in applications with temperatures upto 540 deg C. ) Deepak Gonjari Maintenance Engg/Sabic-Kemya, Saudi Arabia
New Post
10/26/2006 9:00 AM
Deepak: We have heard of Inconel 601 being used as filler metal for carburized HP ethylene alloys. Inconel 617 would be a higher strength nickel alloy filler if considered needed. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
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10/27/2006 9:00 AM
Your stuff in a carburised situation is (hard, almost impossible to weld) you have to experiment. Try to weld a small sample of your carburised steel with ER NiCrFe-7 (55Ni, 29Cr, 9.5Fe, 3Mn, 1.5Nb plus Ta) make resistance tests and then let us know the results if stands well. Good luck Luis
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10/27/2006 9:00 AM
Deepak Gonjari For Repair welding of used cast heat resistant grade alloys (in pyrolysis furnace service ) the best combination would be to use Inco 82/ Incvo 625 for root, followed by Inco Weld A or Inconel 617 /Inconel 117 electrodes. Inco 601 contains Al which is good for good oxidation resistance at high temperatures but may not be good substitue for repair welding under reducing conditions prevailaing in pyrolysis furnace (disimialr welding with cast heat reistant grade alloy repairs). Inco 182 filler wire has a higher creep limit of 550-600 deg cent. Inco 82 /Inco 625 / Inco Weld A can have a higher creep limit of 850-920 deg cent. Inco 617 / Inco 117 may serve more or less the same creep life. Usually, a repair welded (carburized cast heat resistant grade material) will last for a service life of 30,000- 40,000 hrs after repairs. For Dissimilar welding, combination of Inco 82 or Inco 825 for root & Inco Weld A or Inco 617 / Inco 117 would serve better purpose. Trust this helps you to evaluate your repair approach instead of the proposed Inco 601 grade filler wire. C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers pvt Ltd India Oct 29,2006 E-mail: >We are evaluating, along with our inspection group, the use >of Inconel 601 (ErNiCrFe-11) welding wire for welding of old >carburized 0.4C-25Cr-35Ni-Nb Microlloy and 0.4C-35Cr-45Ni-Nb >Microlloy tubes in our ethylene furnaces (cracking >ethane/propane, TMTs reachnig around 1100 deg C). >Would appreciate any valuable inputs regarding use of >Inconel 601, its comparison with other Nickel based filers >and any related suggestions. Currently we have been using >matching fillers only. I read in this forum Inconel >625/ErNiCrMo3 as one good option. (Surprisingly, AWS says it >could be used only in applications with temperatures upto >540 deg C. ) > >Deepak Gonjari >Maintenance Engg/Sabic-Kemya, Saudi Arabia
New Post
10/27/2006 9:00 AM
Thank you all so much! I must say this forum is quite informative and interactive.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Welding 25Cr-35Ni & 35Cr-45Ni tubes with Inconel 601Welding 25Cr-35Ni & 35Cr-45Ni tubes with Inconel 601



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