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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Pressure Vessel shells and primary rolling direction ofPressure Vessel shells and primary rolling direction of
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6/15/2007 9:00 AM
I am trying to find where in ASME BPV it stipulates the primary rolling direction orientation when forming shells for pressure vessels. I know the primary rolling direction is almost always in the longitudional direction. The mechanical properties for tensile are along the rolling direction orientation. Hoop stresses are twice the longitudional stresses when designing pressure vessels, so it is common sense to orientate the rolling direction in the circumferential direction. The plate material is 516-70N fineline material, with S=0.001, P=0.008, V=0.001, B=0.0005, Nb=0.004 max. It is normalized, quenched and tempered so the material is good quality with good mechanical properties. Unfortunately, I cannot find anywhere in ASME BPV code that mentions the principal rolling direction orientation of the plate. Please advise if there is some notation in the code relevant to this.
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6/16/2007 9:00 AM
Metalman ASME code for BPV may not give direct relevant clauses or code restriction for formed plates for pressure vessel manufacture with reference to orientation of primary rolling direction orientation. You will get indirect information for this from Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 of ASME SEC VIII Div 1 or Div 2 where stress intensity limit is specified and the basis for stress intensity values (Sm) as per ASME Sec III is available for different ferritic / semi austenitic or austenitc grades. Table 3-1 ASME SEC III - gives guideline for Sm = 1.5 Sm (i.e., Primary stress = General membrane + local membrane + primary bending= gross + burst distortion) + Primary & Secondary Stress intensity limit= 3.0 Sm (for progressive distortion) + peak stresses for design fatigue for fatigue failure ) will be helpful to decide on the type of relevance of rolling direction orientation (in an indirect way). Table 3-3 ASME SEc III gives stress intensity limit for general membrane (Pm) and for local membrane + primary bending + local membrane (Pb+PL). Also you have to take into consideration of the areas of highest stresses in applying this for components to be added for the shell ( flanges, bolting, supports and columns,nozzles). Depending on the vendor different methods are used to determime the stresses in components. In a discussion form all these factors and applicable code relevant stress calculation may be difficult to be given. ASME Code has discussed all these and arrived at the stress intenstity factor as a guideline for users - i guess - in code and applicable updated addendas. I am not applying day-to day latest addendas of ASME sec VIII Div 1/ 2 to answer your specific question on rolling directions and orientation relevance . Trust this helps you to find out from ASME Code and addendas. You may also go through ASME Discusion Groups on Pressure Vessels . You will get some information on this - i guess. C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India June 17,2007 E-mail: >I am trying to find where in ASME BPV it stipulates the >primary rolling direction orientation when forming shells >for pressure vessels. > >I know the primary rolling direction is almost always in the >longitudional direction. The mechanical properties for >tensile are along the rolling direction orientation. Hoop >stresses are twice the longitudional stresses when designing >pressure vessels, so it is common sense to orientate the >rolling direction in the circumferential direction. > >The plate material is 516-70N fineline material, with >S=0.001, P=0.008, V=0.001, B=0.0005, Nb=0.004 max. It is >normalized, quenched and tempered so the material is good >quality with good mechanical properties. > >Unfortunately, I cannot find anywhere in ASME BPV code that >mentions the principal rolling direction orientation of the >plate. > >Please advise if there is some notation in the code relevant >to this.
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