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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Cooling water pipe corrosionCooling water pipe corrosion
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9/17/2004 9:00 AM
Hello, The seawater cooling pipe internal at the plant I'm working experienced very extensive corrosion at certain location. The corrosion resulted the pipe thickness decreases from 22mm to 5mm! Is this really possible? What is the normal corrosion rate fro carbon steel? The pipe was originally coated with rubber lining but due to defects the pipe internal was later coated with the underwater anti corrosion coating but seems not functioning well. Can anyboby suggest what is the most suitable action for this problem? Many thanks. Rahimi Perak, Malaysia
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11/1/2004 9:00 AM
Hello Rahimi, My Name is Craig Lutz, President of Cradin Industries, Inc. which is located in Boerne, Texas (30 miles north west of San Antonio). I believe Cradin can fix your corrosion problems! What do we have to do for testing? Best Regards, Craig Lutz
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11/29/2004 9:00 AM
Dear Rahimi: This is Faraji from Iran.We had such a problem in seawater piping which conects to condenser in Ammonia plant and due to rubber lining problem we used Stainless Steel 316L as a lose lining about ten years back and so far we do not face to any leakage but we foud pitting . I hope my experience is useful . Thanks Faraji
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