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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...PWHT of dissimilar material weldPWHT of dissimilar material weld
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11/26/2004 9:00 AM
I will appreciate expert opinions on the following: 10" Sch 100 (19 mm) ASME 312 TP304L pipe welded to the same size ASME SA106 Gr B pipe. The welds and the surrounding SS pipe (4" from the weld) mistakenly post weld heat treated to CS pipe requirements: soaking at 630 C approx 1 hour, and heating and cooling 150 C/hr from 400 to 630 C and 630 C to 400 C respectively. total, approximately 3 hours between 400 C & 630 C. Questions: (1) are sensistization and IGC of welds and 304L base metal real concern for the above temp. and time ? (2) what's the best corrective action considering the service is water at high pressure (1600 psi) and temperature (315 C); (3) Can an IGC test such as ASTM E262 detect the IGC ? if yes, and if the test passes, is it ok to use it as-is, and (4) any proposed online reference on the subject ? Pls post your comments ASAP. Thank you.
New Post
11/28/2004 9:00 AM
RK: Re your PWHT dilemma: 1. PWHT at 630C is right in the middle of the sensitization zone for 304SS and some sensitization has probably occurred. How much seisitization has occurred will depend on the carbon content. Whether it is a concern or not will depend on its use. 2. The corrective action will partially depend on how much pipe is involved and a risk analysis of the intended use. 3. Testing to one of the procedures of E262 should help with how much corrosion to expect, however, we can't provide fitness-for-service advise in a discussion forum format. P.S. You should also be concerned about how the 304SS and carbon steel were welded. If a 308 chemistry electrode or filler metal was used, the weld could be hard and brittle. David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
New Post
11/28/2004 9:00 AM
Mr. Hendrix, thank you for your reply. 309L consumables were used in welding, and the use/service is indicated in my original request. This is a new construction with a design life of 30 years. I will appreciate any further comments. RK
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...PWHT of dissimilar material weldPWHT of dissimilar material weld



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