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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...904L904L
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5/26/2005 9:00 AM
I am desperately trying to determine the anodic passivation curve for 904L in strong sulfuric acid 93-98% at 200F. If anyone has any information onnthe subject or knows whom I can contact to perform some cyclic polarization tests and develop this information, I would greatly appreciate.
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5/27/2005 9:00 AM
Nick Please go through web sites of S.S Manufacturers in Sweden Sandvik, Uddholm- Sweden, Avesta Sheffield - UK who are manufacturers of 904 L grade variety. You may get basic iso-corrosion charts for each of their products + basic info on anodic polrarisation curve of 904 L in sulfuric acid. You may try to contact the technical support team from the company website to get additional information. Trust this is of some help to you Regards C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd Chennai India May 27 E-mail: >I am desperately trying to determine the anodic passivation >curve for 904L in strong sulfuric acid 93-98% at 200F. If >anyone has any information onnthe subject or knows whom I >can contact to perform some cyclic polarization tests and >develop this information, I would greatly appreciate.
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