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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Corrosion of 440C SS in Deinonized waterCorrosion of 440C SS in Deinonized water
New Post
1/18/2006 9:00 AM
I am working on a design that has a miniature precision slide bearing immersed in deionized and degassed water. The slide is mounted on a 303 SS plate. We are experiencing corrosion at the parts boundary and on the 440C pieces. We are going to Paralene coat the 303 plate, which should eliminate the corrosion at the interface - but we cannot coat the bearing slides. Does anyone know of a miiature precision bearing source that uses materials other than 440C, yet is an off the shelf component? Or, has anyone found a way to make the 440C SS work in DI water? Thank you very much.
New Post
1/19/2006 9:00 AM
DI or DM Water is often called Hungry Water. It invites metallic ions. So it is corrosiveness. So higher corrosion resistance material selected. AS you are coating SS 303 items and leaving SS 440C bare it under immersed conditions create a Galvanic system wherecoated SS 303 beomes more Cathodic w.r.t. SS 440C which becomes relatively anodic. And all the anodic junctures thus facing corrosion. Try to select such a mMOC which lies with 50mv potential w.r.t. SS 303 and also try to coat the SS 440C also .
New Post
1/19/2006 9:00 AM
Thank you for the advice. The bearing mfg (IKO) does supply the 440 slides with a "black chrome" finish which is supposed to help with corrosion resistance. I have not been able to find another mfg for such miniature slides - so I will have to see how this coating does in testing. The bearing balls are also 440 and cannot be coated - I am trying to see if ceramic balls are an option. Thank you again.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Corrosion of 440C SS in Deinonized waterCorrosion of 440C SS in Deinonized water



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