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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...316L corrosion caused by conceret cleaner316L corrosion caused by conceret cleaner
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4/2/2003 9:00 AM
We are about to commission a new water treatment plant but inadvertantly another contractor has cleaned all of the 316l stainless steel pipework externally with a 12% Hydrochloric Acid cleaning agent (for removal of cement mortar). Some pitting corrosion is already evident after only 7 days. Can you reccomend a suitable method of cleaning to ensure that no residue remains and that the pipework surface is returned to its most corrosion resistant.
New Post
4/9/2003 9:00 AM
I am not surprised at what happened. HCl is a bad thing to put on stainless steel. I hear about this happening all the time. First, you need to try to neutralize any Cl residues with a good alkaline material, if this has not been done. Then, depending on the degree of damage, you need to repassivate the surface with a good passivation product. If the pits are too bad you may have to take more drastic action, like electropolishing with a wand or something. Sometimes this is the only way to get the steel back to its original corrosion resistant state. Can you get to all of the surfaces?
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...316L corrosion caused by conceret cleaner316L corrosion caused by conceret cleaner



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