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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Atmospheric water tank bottom repairAtmospheric water tank bottom repair
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4/22/2003 9:00 AM
Three of our above ground atmospheric water tank bottoms have been found corroded near the outer periphery. Main reason being the water ingress from outside. Now the source has been controlled but the damage is there. How can we repair the bottom as its portion near the first shell joint is badly corroded. Total load of tank shell is now on corroded plates. Please help.
New Post
4/22/2003 9:00 AM
Dear Sir: API 653, Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction, provides guidance and standards on the repair of aboveground tank bottoms in the "critical" zone. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
New Post
4/22/2003 9:00 AM
Thanks. But I request some experience on that. If somebody actually performed this kind of repair i.e. partial or complete replacement of bottom or making slit in the shell and provide new bottom plates.
New Post
5/13/2003 9:00 AM
>Thanks. But I request some experience on that. If somebody >actually performed this kind of repair i.e. partial or >complete replacement of bottom or making slit in the shell >and provide new bottom plates. I have the similar problem with yours. :-( . We have a planning to apply API 653 recommendation. The repair of corroded portion depend on the level of corrotion. Some of inspection shall be conducted prior to select the kind of repair i.e. partial or complete replacement for surface corrosion (impact to minimum calculated thickness) or practically we just build up welding for any pitting. Qualified QC and competent tank engineer shall involved. So I suggest you to identify the type and level of corrosion to get the volume of repair work. Next step, API 653 clearly provide us the procedure of repair work, that Mr. Hendrix advised you previously. Hope it is not too late to help you. I wish. edf
New Post
5/13/2003 9:00 AM
Thanks. It is never too late. The area of corrosion is the outer periphery of bottom plates protruding outside the shell OD. At places the corrosion extends inside the shell ID in the bottom plates. We intend to replace the periphery plates, considering the stress riser limit, with new plates keeping existing shell as it is not corroded. Pl. comment.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Atmospheric water tank bottom repairAtmospheric water tank bottom repair



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